Bondage Nights
We meet each month at a well equipped
bondage space in West Hollywood.
Check the Bondage Nights tab for exact dates and times.
Never miss one of our
Bondage Play Parties!
Dungeon Rules
At the So CA Bondage Club play parties, we encourage our members and guests to have fun and try new things, knowing they can do so in the safest environment.
Our play parties are safe, not only because you won't be alone, there are lots of other responsible guys around, but also because we all follow some very important rules, designed for the safety and enjoyment of all concerned.
Official So CA Bondage Club Dungeon Rules
Updated February 1, 2017
- Sex: You understand and agree that it is not one of the primary purposes of SoCABC to allow,
facilitate and/or provide facilities for its members to engage in any high risk sexual contact
which poses a significant risk for the transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
which has been associated with AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. You agree that you
will not engage in such high risk sexual contact nor any sexual contact without a condom and will
avail yourself of and use a condom for any sexual or high risk sexual contact at any SoCABC event.
- The decisions of the Dungeon Monitors (DM) are FINAL. Any person or persons not responding to a DM's instructions shall be removed from the premises and NOT allowed to return. No refunds shall be given.
- Mutual Consent: You understand and agree that all activities require the mutual consent of the participants in advance of engaging in BDSM and/or sexual activities. You will respect anyone?s decision to decline participation in any proposed activity. You will discontinue the activity if any participant withdraws their consent to the activity, and You will immediately inform other activity participants if You wish to withdraw your own consent.
- The use of safe words or signals is required. If you do not have your own, we suggest:
- GREEN - All is Well (With a gag on: "Heh", a single grunt)
- YELLOW - Caution, go slower/easier (With a gag on: "Heh, Heh",
or two grunts)
- RED - Stop now, the scene is OVER (With a gag on: "Heh, Heh,
Heh", or three grunts)
- Confidentiality: The identities and personal information of all participants at a SoCABC event, and the activities they engage in, shall be held by you in strict confidence and not disclosed to any third party outside of a SoCABC event without express permission of that participant.
- No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances may be consumed or permitted on the premises. If a staff member deems that a person is under the influence, they will be removed from the premises and not allowed to return.
- No intrusive odors, such as sage or incense, are allowed.
- You are responsible for cleanup of your play area. Please use a tarp or drop cloth if necessary. Leave a safe and clean space for the next guest. Cleaning supplies are provided. Please provide your own sharps containers as needed.
- Respect others and their property. Do not interrupt or enter a scene without permission. Remember, NO means NO. Do not touch people or things without express permission to do so.
- Smoking is not allowed anywhere inside the building. Smoking is permissible in outside areas.
- Offering or agreeing to perform or performing any act of prostitution or solicitation of prostitution is strictly forbidden. If approached for these purposes, report this immediately to the Dungeon Monitor.
- No scat or breath play are permitted at any So CA Bondage Club event. Water Sports are permitted ONLY in the shower in the establishment bathroom. You must have your own towels and must clean up after yourselves.
- The following are prohibited from our events: (Consult a DM if you have any doubts or questions)
- Whips longer than six feet
- Guns, firearms or explosives (real or simulated)
- Concealed weapons of any kind, including spring loaded, lockable knives
- Sheathed and unconcealed knives and sterile scalpels must be approved by the DM
- All wishing to engage in "edge play" must consult with the DM
- No video equipment or recording devices of any kind are allowed. No picture taking is allowed EXCEPT by the agreement of all parties involved, and with a DM or Board Member present.
- All Cell Phones must be in Silent or Vibrate mode. Cell phones may only be used in the establishment entry/foyer or outdoor patio area.
- Although there is no official dress code, those who are more creative with their dress and/or
like to do drag, please come in boy mode to our events. For more info see FAQ: What is the dress code?